What comes to mind when you hear the terms "food banks" and "shelter programs"?
You could assume it's a location where only the impoverished go if you're from a rich class.
You already understand the value of food pantries, food banks, and shelter programs if you've recently lost your job or are experiencing homelessness. The Food Bank is the location that supplies food for hot meal programs and makes food accessible for the bags distributed in hundreds of thousands each year.
When worried about their next meal or an approaching eviction notice, it is nearly hard for people to develop new skills or investigate career options. It is similarly challenging to focus on improving employability when one's physical safety is in danger due to real or threatening violence.
Physical safety and well-being are two categories of basic requirements. Food, shelter, utilities (such as heat and light), clothes, access to clean water and sanitary facilities, and safety from physical and sexual assault are all examples of physical security.
The area of health/mental health comprises programs and services that encourage early stimulation and healthy child development, foster self-worth, and emotional support, offer counseling and mental health services and treat drug and alcohol misuse.
Most of the latter are provided for through a combination of government-supported programs (including welfare and mental health services) and charitable groups, like food banks, for households who need help with their necessities.
Health/mental health and physical safety are intimately related. For instance, poor dietary quality can have an impact on health, and being exposed to violence or abuse can harm one's emotional health or encourage drug or alcohol consumption. Basic requirements should be viewed as a series of interrelated categories, where each category has a significant impact on the others.
In certain situations, connecting tactics are the most effective way to meet fundamental requirements, such as giving a family nourishing food or helping them locate an inexpensive place to live. However, parallel approaches can also be used to satisfy fundamental necessities, such as creating community gardens or expanding the availability of cheap housing in the form of nonprofit and cooperative housing.
Individuals' fundamental needs must be satisfied for them to flourish.
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